Proper Posture is Important When Baby-Wearing and Baby-Feeding

Welcoming a new addition to the family is a joyous occasion. But it can also be physically demanding, especially for mothers. Baby-wearing and feeding are two essential activities that can put a strain on your body if not done with proper posture. These tips will help you maintain good posture and ensure both you and your baby are comfortable.


Baby-wearing, or the practice of carrying your baby in a soft carrier, sling or wrap, offers numerous advantages for parent and baby. It promotes bonding, enhances emotional development and provides a sense of security for the child. However, it can lead to physical strain if not done correctly.

Tips for Baby-Wearing

-Choose the right carrier. Select a carrier that fits well and is appropriate for your baby's age and size. Ensure that it provides support for your baby's spine and for your body.

-Tighten straps properly. Straps should be snug but not too tight. This will distribute the weight evenly across your shoulders and hips. Adjust the straps according to your comfort and your baby's position.

-Practice proper carrying position. Carry your baby high on your chest, close enough to kiss the top of their head. This position helps maintain a straight back and supports good posture.

-Alternate Sides. Switch the side you carry your baby on to prevent muscle imbalance. This ensures both sides of your body get an equal workout.

-Maintain Core Strength. Engage your core muscles and maintain a neutral spine - avoid arching your back or slouching. Think about lifting your chest and tucking your tailbone in.

Recommended Products for Baby-wearing:

  1. Baby- Bjorn

  2. Solly Wrap

  3. Ergo Baby



Breastfeeding provides a great nutrition source for babies. It offers numerous health benefits – it is a wonderful bonding experience for mother and child. Because it is done for prolonged periods of times, multiple times a day, improper breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, can lead to discomfort and pain.

Tips for breast and bottle feeding

-Choose the right chair with support. Sit in a comfortable chair with good back support or use cushions and pillows to create a supportive, breastfeeding space. Do not sit on too SOFT of a surface as that can lead to tailbone pain.

-Sit straight. Sit with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor. You can use a small pillow behind your lower back to maintain your posture. It may be helpful to use multiple pillows to create comfortable but proper set-up.

-Elevate feet. Place your feet on a footstool or cushion to prevent straining your lower back.

-When breastfeeding, bring baby to breast, not breast to baby: Lift your baby up to breast level with pillows, rather than hunching over to reach your baby. This reduces strain on your upper back and shoulders. -When breastfeeding, use proper latch technique. Ensure your baby has a good latch to avoid nipple pain, which can lead to poor posture as you compensate for discomfort.

-Switch sides. If breastfeeding, alternate the breast you start with during each feeding to balance the use of both breasts. Also, it is also often helpful to try different positionings of the baby to put less demand on your body.

Recommended Products for Breastfeeding and Bottle Feeding:

  1. Brest Friend

  2. BB hug me

  3. Boppy

Baby-wearing, breast feeding and bottle feeding are wonderful bonding experiences for you and for your baby. But know they can take a toll on posture if done incorrectly. By following these tips, you can ensure a more comfortable and healthier experience for both you and your baby. Prioritize your physical well-being to fully enjoy these precious moments with your little one.

If you experience pain or discomfort while baby-wearing or feeding, consult with a healthcare professional or a physical therapist. Questions?  Email us at or call us at (929) 269-2505 to schedule a free 15-minute consultation!