What is Lymphedema and can my symptoms improve with lymph therapy? The answer is YES!


What is Lymphedema?

Lymphedema is a swelling of protein rich fluid. It can occur as the result of:

  • Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) caused by valves in veins that don't open and close properly, causing blood to pool and putting increased pressure on the walls of the veins

  • radiation therapy

  • lymph node biopsies/dissections in cancer related surgeries

  • surgery that inadvertently injures the venous or lymphatic system

  • genetic predisposition, referred to as “primary” lymphedema

Typically, it occurs in the arms or legs but can occur in the head, neck, abdominal region or genitals.  It affects approximately 1 in 1000 Americans.  of the population. Breast cancer treatments are the #1 cause of lymphedema in the U.S.  It is most common in women, especially after multiple pregnancies, vs. men, and in those middle-aged or older. More times than not, it is chronic. Untreated lymphedema can lead to chronic skin changes, increased risk of infection and increased hospitalizations.

To diagnose lymphedema, a doctor will ask about your medical history to determine risk factors, perform a physical examination, and may order an imaging test to pinpoint the cause of the fluid buildup in your body. There's no cure for lymphedema. Treatment focuses on reducing the swelling and controlling the pain.

At Solstice Physiotherapy, we are excited to offer lymphedema treatment with our Certified Lymph Therapist: Claire Hamnett.  Claire has completed many hours of vigorous training and study to receive this certification.  

What does lymph therapy look like?

Complete decongestive therapy may include:

  • manual lymphatic drainage: a special massage technique

  • therapeutic exercises to promote and improve fluid drainage

  • compression bandage wraps

  • compression garment, sleeve fitting

  • skin and nail care

What are the benefits of lymph care post-operative?

It may reduce swelling/edema. 

What is a pneumatic pump?

Pneumatic compression pumps may be used for lymphedema care-maintenance. It works similarly to a compression sleeve, moving the flow of lymph in the correct direction. It is important to note that pneumatic pumps should not replace complete decongestive therapy performed by a certified lymphedema therapist.  Some pumps can actually increase symptoms and damage the lymphatic system over time. They may also not properly clear nodes. 

Lymph treatments may be appropriate for people with these diagnoses:

  • endometriosis

  • adenomyosis

  • constipation or other GI dysfunctions

  • post abdominal-surgery swelling

Contact us at 929-269-2505 or via email info@solsticept.com if you want to learn more and take advantage of our free phone-consultation offer!